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Zuku WiFi

Zuku Wi-Fi is a Zuku product to enable Zuku Customers continues enjoying fastest Internet services available in town.
Zuku has several hotspots within Nairobi at the coffee shops, malls, college campuses and restaurants. Once Zuku customer is at any of the hotspots with the provided credentials a customer is able to connect.
A hotspot is a specific area that offers internet access for Zuku Wifi enabled device using a Zuku Wifi signal. The network is available today at over 300 hotspots around Kenya.
Kindly visit www. http://wifi.zuku.co.ke and choose coverage for a full list of Wifi Hotspots.
You can access Zuku Wifi by enabling Wifi on your wireless device, on the available wireless network connection, select Zuku Wifi and launch your browser. The browser will take you to a blank page, open the page you wish to browse and this will automatically redirect to Zuku Wifi sign in page. Using the provided username and password log in and a message of successful log in will be displayed.
Zuku Wifi is available to customers subscribing for R15,R30,R50,R60 packages at no additional cost.
To access and enjoy Zuku Wifi services, you are required to subscribe to Zuku packages R15,R30,R50,R60 to enjoy the service.
Telephone Number: – 0205228888 Email: wifisupport@ke.wananchi.com

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